• Climate Change & Environment

In the region, efforts for combatting climate change are intertwined with the EU accession process. The transposition of the European Union environment and climate legislation and setting appropriate national targets places countries on a path towards a low-carbon, clean and healthy society. Striving to reindustrialize their economies, reducing air and water pollution while decoupling economic growth from fossil fuels to limit GHG-emissions, pose major challenges for all countries in the region. This transformation requires a sound allocation of public spending and planning of public investments that leverages the needed involvement of the private sector.

GFA South East Europe is engaged in

  • Policy advice for alignment with the EU Acquis in environment & climate
  • Strategy development and capacity building
  • Climate finance tagging and climate-informed public investment management
  • Mainstreaming gender and climate change



  • GFA South East Europe d.o.o.
  • Resavska 28
  • 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
  • Phone: +381 11 4055 697
  • E-mail: zoran.kapor@gfa-group.de