Gender and Climate Financing Baseline Study

UN Woman, 2021 - 2022

UN Women considers climate action as an important potential accelerator of gender equality and empowerment and in turn believes that more systematic involvement of women in both planning and implementation of climate action can significantly contribute to the achieving of ambitious targets.

It is therefore important to have good understanding of priority areas for achieving climate and gender synergies.

One of the important ways of identifying these areas is to simultaneously track financial flows targeting gender and climate. In practical terms this can be achieved through combination of tracking and targeting methodologies on both sides of the equation, namely Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) and Climate Finance Tracking. The objective of the assignment was to identify policy and programming areas with maximum synergies and co-benefits between gender and climate in up to two sectors in BIH and in Serbia by conducting comparative analysis of budgetary allocations for climate related actions and gender responsive budgeting and development of recommendations for future financing


  • GFA South East Europe d.o.o.
  • Resavska 28
  • 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
  • Phone: +381 11 4055 697
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